Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby Shower and More Car Issues

I have found that Sunday is the best day for updating this. I guess I should practice getting stuff on here more frequently, but sometimes I am doing good just to put anything on at all!

One of our cars it broke, again. It seems like a common occurrence now. We get one thing fixed on one car and then something on the other car decides it needs replace. With the Malibu it was the brakes and then the alternator. Now, Jerry's little car he drives back and forth the work has decided it's its turn to be difficult. Jerry was driving down to work on Friday and notices the cable that goes from the gas peddle to the engine is broken. He is flying down Parley's trying to get the car to slow down. Luckily, and I should probably say miraculously, he makes it to work in one piece. We were able to get the car towed home and Jerry's dad brought him home. To top it all off, the car won't start. When they were fiddling with the cable, some little piece was knocked off. Now the fun part is trying to figure out what exactly that part was so we can replace it. Needless to say, we were very blessed that everyone made it home ok and in one piece.

On a brighter note, Jerry's brother, Nathan, came home from serving his mission on Thursday. Jerry, make that his whole family, is very glad that he is home.

Last Saturday was the baby shower. It was really fun and we had a great turnout. It was fun to visit with everyone that came. It is really nice to see all the support we have from family and friends. We had sandwiches, all sorts of salad, blue punch, yummy cake and peanut butter bars. It was kind of like Christmas had come a month early! I think Ayden will be the best dressed baby ever! We are grateful for all of the friends and family who came and supported us, and those who wanted to be there because of the weather or other commitments!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Eventful Weekend

Saturday, when Jerry woke up, his ear was bothering him so he went to the clinic here in town to get it looked at. He has had an ear infection before and this felt like the beginning of one so we decided it would be best to get it taken care of early. Turns out he was kind of right. Some moisture had gotten down into his ear canal (most likely from showering) and because it was warm and dark in there, bacteria started to grow. The doctor said it was good he hadn't waited a few more days because by that time the whole canal would have been blocked off and he would have had to have a course of IV antibiotics. I will gladly take $55 for the appointment and putting 3 drops in his ear twice a day over the other option had we waited!

Later on that night, Jerry's parents invited us to go to Provo with them. We had just crossed the dam at Deer Creek and were starting to make our way down the windy section of the canyon. Jerry and his Mom were goofing around and she said something to the effect of are we there yet. Jerry replies back don't make me turn this car around and pulls onto the shoulder and puts on the brakes like he is really going to do it. Well, at this point, the car decided that it doesn't want to stop and the brakes go out! Luckily Jerry was able to stay calm and get the car pulled of the road to where we would be safe. We call my mom to get to the auto parts store and get some brake fluid and bring it to us. While she is on her way, Jerry sees the car is leaking brake fluid on the passenger side. He decides to call a tow truck because we can't drive the car and me and his mom come back to Heber with my mom. Jerry and his dad get back and that was the end of that trip. The next day Jerry is trying to figure out what the problem is, and we discover that there is a hole the size of a .5 pencil lead in the brake line. So to sum it up, we now have to replace the brakes on the passenger side of the car. We are just grateful that we were blessed and kept safe because things could have ended up 100 times worse!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Jerry is gone to his first scout camp out, which means I was home alone last night, so I have been trying to fill the time. Jerry said we needed to add more pictures, so I thought logically I should add these! This is our first ultrasound at 9 weeks. Jerry calls this picture babyshrimp.
It's easy to see why!This is at 18 weeks. It's amazing that in only 9 weeks it acutally looks human now!Another of our 18 week ultrasound. All arms, legs, hands, and feet accounted for!18 weeks again. Jerry was so proud when the ultrasound tech said it was a boy!
Baby Ayden at 23 weeks. They had to do another ultrasound at my last appointment because they couldn't see the heart when we went in at 18 weeks. Baby was being stubborn- I have a feeling it is a sign of things to come...

Friday, September 18, 2009

I am a slacker

Well, a lot has happened in the time I have slacked off. First, the biggest new is that Jerry and I are expecting our first baby. Our baby boy is due January 22 , 2010. I honestly thought it was going to be a girl, so you can imagine my surprise when the ultrasound tech said it was a boy. Jerry was, of course, ecstatic. What man doesn't want his first to be a boy? This is the first grand baby for my parents so they are of course super excited as well. Maddy and Haley are also thrilled they are going to be aunts. Nick and Ryan are glad that it is a boy because they say there are already too many girls in the family. My Dad just loves babies so he could care less if it was a boy or a girl.

I am finally graduated and am officially licensed as a registered nurse. It only took five years and two associate degrees, but I am pretty proud of myself. Now the fun part is trying to find a job. Jerry is still working insurance with American Family, but with a different agent. He drives to Salt Lake every day, which is a pain, but it is a better position. He is going to start back to school in January, at least that is the plan for now. Now it's my turn to put him through school. We having kind of been looking at buying a house, but still positive that is the right thing for us right now. We are going to take advantage of his grandma's offer to house sit for her again and then come spring start looking for our own place. I have been release from Primary (sad!) and am now the Assistant Cub Master. This will definately be a learning time for me because I have basically no experience with scouts. Jerry has been called as scout committtee chairman and is just waiting for his calling in Primary to be filled so he can be released. We are both bummed to be out of Primary. Now I have to go to Relief Society:(

Ryan came home August 4 and we are so glad to have him home. This is the first time in 4 years that all the kids have been home. He and Nick are both at UVU going to school, and Ryan has taken advantage of the baseball scholarship they held for him. Maddy is a sophomore and so grown up. She is already driving and going to hair school. Haley will be baptized in May, and being the baby of the family is so spoiled. All in all, life is really good right now, and I am grateful for that.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I figured since I have a spare minute I should jump on a catch up. Jerry has been sick for the last 2 1/2 weeks. He caught a cold which turned into viral laryngitis and just hasn't gone away. He was starting to get better, but then started throwing up on Friday night. He has been miserable and I feel so bad for him. There is just nothing I can do. Jerry's birthday is tomorrow, he will be 26!!! He is old:) I don't know if he will feel up to dinner, so we may just spend it at home.

I finished my indepedent clincal time the endd of February. It is so nice to be done with that. 96 hours was a lot to do in a limited amount of time. I really enjoyed working in the ER. I got lots of practice starting IVs and got to see some cool stuff. I think I would like to work in the ER. I like the faster pace and just getting people in and out. One thing is for sure, there are some pretty dumb people that come in with some pretty dumb complaints. I don't know what parent in their right mind would bring their kid into the hospital and let them run around bare foot. Some people should just not be allowed to have children!!

My little sister Maddy made the JV softball team as a freshman. She is pretty excited. She will most likely get Varsity playing time as well. I am excited to go to St. George this weekend to watch her. Hopefully the weather will be warm and I can get a tan!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Update and new toy

Well, I am half way done with my individual preceptorship clinical time. I have been working in the ER at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. So far it has been pretty good. I have gotten lots of practice starting IVs. I have only missed one so far, I am pretty proud of myself. I have seen some interesting things. There was a girl that went off a jump while snowboarding and landed on her back so they life flighted her to the hospital. I got to see what happens when a trauma comes in, even though it was a small one. We had a guy come in from the jail who was withdrawing from heroin and tried to kill himself with a shaving razor. He cut his neck and his wrist, but of course, a shaving razor won't do much damage. There are some people that come in for some really dumb things like a headache or a tooth ache. Then you have the parents who drag their kid in a like midnight because they have a fever or have been coughing. Some people...

Jerry and I went down to Provo yesterday to run some errands and do our Costco shopping and decided we would stop by Circuit City to see if their prices had come down at all. They are going out of business so all of their inventory is clearanced and has to be sold. We had talked about getting a nice TV with our tax returns, but weren't really sure that is what we were going to do. We walk through the TVs and see none of them have come down in price any from the last time we had looked. Jerry finds the Sims games he plays on the computer and is trying to decide between two. We are wandering around the store while he is trying to decide and come to the middle of the store where they have the TVs all boxed up. We see a Sony 46 inch that has a price tag of like $800. Right off the bat, we know there is something wrong. I go and find a sales person and ask him and of course, it was put on the wrong item. Well, Jerry finds a 40 inch Sony that is on sale for $1000, which is about $400 off. As, you probably guess, we ended up coming home with a new TV. Jerry is loving it. He even figured out he could hook the laptop up to it. And he says I never let him have any fun:)

Friday, January 23, 2009


After much waiting and anticipation, we finally found out on the job that Jerry applied for. They finally emailed last night and the answer was thanks for applying but we are going to go with someone else. Jerry was kind of bummed, and I was sad that he was disappointed, but to be honest, I was also relieved because I didn't want him to be gone. To be completely honest, we don't know what we are going to do or where we are supposed to be. All we know is that we want to move away from Utah and the families so we can be more on our own.

I started clinical on Wednesday night, and stayed up all night! The shift was 5-5, and I can tell you 12 hours is a long time. I did enjoy it and it went by pretty quickly. We were really busy, hardly sitting down the first 4 hours. I got some good experience. I put in a couple of catheters and started 2 IVs, one on my nurse and one on a patient. 1 down, 7 to go. Staying up all night definitely messes up your sleeping patterns, though. Luckily I only have to do one more 5-5 shift. I definitely looking forward to a whole week off for Spring Break!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Catch up time!

Sorry it has been a little while since I was last on here. So here we go. I passed my final and ended up with a B+ for the semester, not too bad if I do say so myself:) The holidays were good. Jerry and I inn keep at the Blue Boar Inn in Midway and as luck would have it we had to in keep on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. That kept us in town for Christmas. My Mom had to work on Christmas Eve so Jerry and I took my sisters and we all went and ate at the Blue Boar, my Mom's treat. It was kind of weird because the Blue Boar is considered fine dining and we are definitely not used to that! We didn't know what half the stuff on the menu was! But we all managed to find something we liked. After dinner, we went a picked up Jerry's parents to go look at Christmas lights around town. We dropped the girls off and then headed back to the inn. Christmas morning we woke up to find about a foot of snow on the ground, and it was still snowing! For as long as I can remember, we have gone out to Grantsville and Tooele to see my parents' families. Well, as you can imagine, all the snow cancelled those plans. It was seriously like a blizzard. We all got to talk to my brother Ryan, which was great. He comes home in September! We had Christmas with my Mom and the girls and also with Jerry's parents. I felt really bad because we didn't get to see my Dad. There was just no way to do it. He lives in Park City and he wouldn't have let us come anyways. We attempted to go over to my Mom's for prime rib Christmas Dinner, but got stuck on the street that goes to her condo. That was an adventure. You would think with all the snow we get in Heber the county would be better at snow removal. Truth be told, they suck at it. But, all in all it was a good Christmas. We spent the Friday after Christmas with Jerry's sister and her boy and two girls. It is always good to see them.

New Year's Eve and New Year's Day we had to inn keep as well, so once again, we just stayed around town. The Blue Boar always has a big New Year's Party so we were up late with all the noise. Jerry was sweet and helped the waitstaff clean up after everyone left. I was a bum and fell asleep at around 1. I just can't stay up like I used to!

The semester has started again. The first half will be busy trying to get all my independent clinical hours in. I have to do a total of 96 hours by March 3. I will be doing quite a few night shifts, which should be interesting. I get to work in the ER so I am excited about that. There always seems to be so much to do in so little time!

Perhaps the biggest news is Jerry has applied for a job at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. It is exciting and scary at the same time. We are wanting to move to Washington so this is a good opportunity. Hopefully if he gets it we will get discounted tuition. We would have to pay out of state, which costs an arm and a leg! The downside is the job starts on February 1, so he would leave and I would have to stay to finish school. I don't know how I would manage not seeing him everyday! It has been a long time since I have slept alone and I don't think I would enjoy it! As you can imagine, this is an exciting, yet scary time for us!