One of our cars it broke, again. It seems like a common occurrence now. We get one thing fixed on one car and then something on the other car decides it needs replace. With the Malibu it was the brakes and then the alternator. Now, Jerry's little car he drives back and forth the work has decided it's its turn to be difficult. Jerry was driving down to work on Friday and notices the cable that goes from the gas peddle to the engine is broken. He is flying down Parley's trying to get the car to slow down. Luckily, and I should probably say miraculously, he makes it to work in one piece. We were able to get the car towed home and Jerry's dad brought him home. To top it all off, the car won't start. When they were fiddling with the cable, some little piece was knocked off. Now the fun part is trying to figure out what exactly that part was so we can replace it. Needless to say, we were very blessed that everyone made it home ok and in one piece.
On a brighter note, Jerry's brother, Nathan, came home from serving his mission on Thursday. Jerry, make that his whole family, is very glad that he is home.
Last Saturday was the baby shower. It was really fun and we had a great turnout. It was fun to visit with everyone that came. It is really nice to see all the support we have from family and friends. We had sandwiches, all sorts of salad, blue punch, yummy cake and peanut butter bars. It was kind of like Christmas had come a month early! I think Ayden will be the best dressed baby ever! We are grateful for all of the friends and family who came and supported us, and those who wanted to be there because of the weather or other commitments!