Thursday, December 11, 2008

Funny and not so funny story

My birthday has come and gone and I am now a year older. 24, can you believe it. I can remember when I was little thinking 16 was old! My brothers like to tease me but they are almost 23 and almost 21, so they aren't too far behind. I spent the day (that is from about 11-5:30, because Jerry is sweet and told me to stay in bed) working on the second of my two papers that I had to get done. It was good because I had the house to myself with limited distractions (I always seem to find something to distract myself when I am doing something I don't want to) and I was able to get a good portion of it done. If someone would have told me when I started college I would be writing 30+ page papers, I would have laughed in their face. I remember at the beginning of college when 3 was a stretch. Funny how things change. Now the only thing left for the semester is my final! I don't think it will be too bad.

Jerry and I got our Christmas tree on Saturday. It is pretty much the coolest ever. It is about 8 feet tall and the perfect shape. So the guy ties it on the car for us and we are ready to be on our way. Before we go, Jerry starts looking in his pockets and the car for his phone. He can't find it so I call it, but we don't hear anything. This is where it gets good. Jerry had gone hiking with his dad early that day and when he came home, he put his jeans in the dirty clothes. Well, I happen to be doing laundry that day so I throw them in and think nothing of it. Well, all of a sudden Jerry is like I think I left it in my pants. I tell him I really hope not because at this point they have gone for a cycle in the washing machine. We get home and I open the washer and sure enough, the phone is vibrating like crazy in his pants pocket. Jerry is stressing out because it was a nice phone, one of those $300 touch screen ones and we are in between pay checks so we don't really have money to go buy a new one. So we pack up my little sister Haley and drag her down to Orem with us to get him a new phone. This story does end on a good not, I promise. So we get down there and all signed in and the guy pulls up the account and luckily Jerry had an upgrade. So he ends up getting a Blackberry, which are not very user friendly. Now he is trying to learn how to work the dumb thing!

I guess winter is finally deciding to come to Utah. It is supposed to dump snow on us on Saturday. They are saying 6 inches in Salt Lake, which means about a foot of snow in Heber. Can I just say how much I dislike snow. But, if is going to be cold it might as well snow, as long as I don't have to drive in it. I am trying to talk Jerry into going somewhere it is always warm. So far, no luck, but I will keep trying. I am so over winter!
random pictures... Disneyland May 2008
Redondo Beach May 2008

Jerry's first time touching the ocean May 2008

Tucker, the dog I said no to but Jerry brought home anyway!

Jerry being a dork hehehe

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