Sunday, November 14, 2010

Injury Report

The last couple of days have been a little rough for Ayden and I.  I was playing with Ayden the other morning and he got upset and flung himself backwards and his head hit me right beneath the eye.  I woke up the next morning with a black eye.

A couple of days later, Ayden was playing in the kitchen and tripped over one of his bowls on the floor and face planted into the corner of the chair.  He cut the  corner of his eye and his face was all red.  I felt so bad.  That day was not a good day for him.  He was hitting his head left and right that day.

Work has been good.  I got to work in the ICU on Thursday and a few hours on Friday.  It is a whole different experience.  It is can be pretty intense.  There were three patients Thursday night, two of which were somewhat critical.  I got the third because I have taken care of him before.  Friday night I got to work and we found out the lady on a venitlator had a DNR so we had to take her off.  She passed within the hour.  It was kind of sad, but she was old.

Jerry and I spoke in church today.  It was the standard new memebers of the ward speaking assignment.  This is one reason I try to avoid moving!  I don't mind being in front of people, but for some reason I get really nervous when it comes to this.  I thought I had a pretty good idea of how I wanted to put it together, but when I sat down to write it last night, it ended up going a different direction.  Needless to say, I was up later than I planned.  Jerry's parents came out to visit and so they could sit with Ayden during sacrament.  All in all, our talks went really well.  I am just glad it is over with! 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another year!

Jerry and I celebrated our third anniversary yesterday!  It has been great 3 years full of excitement.  I have finished nursing school, Jerry has gone back to school, we had a baby, vacations, and a new home. 

I had to work Sunday night so we had a quiet day at home. The orginal plan had been for Jerry and I to go to Vegas, but with me getting this job and moving, we decided to put that on hold.  We went to dinner at a place in Vernal called The Quarry.  The food was pretty good, but a little on the expensive side.  After we stopped at Walmart and got Toy Story 3 for Jerry.  I know it doesn't sound very exciting, but we had a good night out as a family.

Here's to a lot more good years!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ayden's First Halloween

Ayden's first Halloween was probably not very eventful, but he was sure dang cute! I had to work so we got him into his costume and took a bunch of pictures before I had to go. Jerry and Ayden went to the ward Halloween party and I am sure Ayden was the cutest one there!

As you can tell from the pictures, Ayden was a tiger. Grandma Chadwick picked out the costume. Even though Jerry does not like Halloween, he pulled out his Jedi cape his grandma made for him a few years ago and was at least
somewhat festive! I felt bad I had to work, but I figured he is only 9 months old and really has no idea what is going on. Hope everyone had a fun and safe time!

Ayden and his pumpkin

I am Ayden, hear me ROAR!
He was actually growling when I
took this.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Picture Time!

This is a brief overview of the last9 months. So many more I wish I could put on. I will do better at posting new ones!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life Changes

A lot has happened with our little family in the last 9 months and I haven't been very good at keeping things up to date. To be honest, I forgot that I had this for a little while!

Continuing from Jerry's last post, Ayden Brent was born January 27, 2010, at 9:19 p.m. at Timpanogos Hospital. He was 8 lbs 3 oz and was 21 1/2 inches after 30 hours of labor. There were some tense moments, but everything worked out just fine and he was born healthy and perfect! It seems this was just yesterday but these last 9 months have flown by. Aside from my skin tone, he is his father's son through and through. He is such an energetic little boy and loves to be on the move. He is a total boy. He is only 9 months old and already seems like a little boy. He is ahead of all the development markers. He had teeth and was crawling by the time he was 6 months. He started pulling up and walking along things not too long after that. Before we knew it, he started walking. He is getting better but is still wobbly. He has also learned to climb stairs and loves it. The only thing now is for him to learn how to go back down. He loves being with his Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. He especially loves his Aunt Haley! I know this is a really brief summary of 9 months, but I will try and do better. I am on the laptop and all of Ayden's pictures are on our desktop so I will post them soon!

I have finally found a job as an RN after over a year of searching. This job has brought us out to Roosevelt. Everything fell into place with this job. I applied and interviewed for a position they had, but they ended up offering it to another person. I got a call a few weeks later from the Med/Surg nursing supervisor letting me know there was another position open and he wanted me to apply for it. He called me back a couple of days later and offered me the job right on the spot. Needless to say, we were so happy. So 3 weeks later I started at Uinta Basin Medical Center working nights. We finally have our own little place and get to use all the nice things we got for our wedding. We are excited to finally be on our own.

Jerry is now being Mr. Mom, and I think he is enjoying it. It has definately been an adjustment for him being home all day instead of at work. He will be starting back to school in January to continue on his path to becoming a teacher. In the meantime, he got all his papers turned in and processed to be a substitute teacher. Jerry thought this would be a good thing to get some experience. He still helps out the agent he worked for from time to time. It seems that office doesn't function well without him!

We are excited to start this new chapter in our lives !

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Time to update

I am not any good at this and seeing as how Erin is still in labor (now 24 hours) I figured I had better put something up here for those who follow this.

We are getting much closer to where we need to be so that we can begin pushing. Mother and baby are doing very well still and we are excited to meet little Ayden. We'll take plenty of pictures so that everyone can see him when he comes.